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Purchase Offline

 Orders over 10 pounds, are shipped UPS and must have shipping address and telephone number.          Free shipping     
 Print this out and send check or money order made out to Glenn Page  to:       
                                               Send this order to:
Glenn Page                             Name________________________
4351 Mackey Ave.                Street________________________
St. Louis Park, MN 55424    City, State,Zip__________________
                                            Telephone #___________________ 

All Other
  Item #                                PACKET  SEED 

g1            1 packet of EarlyBird (1500 seed) (65 days to flower)$5 _______$5 _____ 
g2            2 packets of EarlyBird $8 _______$8 _____
g3            1 packet Earlybird 50 (1500 seeds)  (50days to flower)$5 _______$5 _____
g4            2 packets Earlybird 50$8 _______$8 _____
                                 BIRDSEED FOR YOUR FEEDER
s11            2  - five pound bags 
$17______$18_ ___
s12        2 - five pound bags  plus one 4x11 heavy mesh bag
$21_ ___ 
s13            2 - five pound bags  plus one 4x22  heavy mesh bag
s14           3 - eighteen ounce socks with seed plus one 5 pound bag$18 ______$19_____
s15           8 - thirteen ounce filled socks
$22 ______
s16            2 - five pound bags organic grown for pet birds
s17            1- 8 ounce bag organic    (to use as seed or sprout) 
 $7 ______

 All feeder orders below must be with a seed order of $29 or more          NOT AVAILABLE AT THIS TIME

f21      No 307 Perky Pet  18 inch tube with 8 perches$ _______$ _____
f22       No 301  Bright red seed tray attaches to the 307$ _______$ _____
f23      No 314 Perky Pet  Features squirrel resistant zinc metal top $_______$_____
f24      No 315 Perky Pet  Same as 314, has rustic metal copper top$_______$ ____
f25      No 399 Perky Pet  Upside down feeder
$ ____
f26      No 736   Colibri upside down Goldfinch feeder$_______$ ____
    (Socks are feeders-limit 2 socks per $15 seed order) 

f27       3 - 18 ounce   lighter mesh (disposable, can be reused)$ _______$______
f28       1 - 1.5 pound 4x11             heavy mesh$_______$______
f29       1 - 3 pound    4x22                 heavy mesh$ _______$______

         I found this site from      _________________________ Total

     I understand EarlyBird and EarlyBird 50 are plant variety protected  (PVP).  I can save seed for my 
      own garden use, but selling or increasing for large field production is illegal.  

   Packet seed, 8 ounce, and 10 pound orders come by US Post OfficeS                                           
    Differences between Midweast and other states are shipping costs